1. I don't have jelly legs by noon. Mainly because I head down early for lunch, ha ha!! That doesn't mean I haven't had moments of massive thigh burn and pure exhaustion, only now it's because I'm spending most of my time off piste. To think I used to get exhausted piste skiing!!
2. I went heli-skiing! Not sure whether I mentioned this already but it was a blast! I get why people want to pay exorbitant amounts of money to ski their own fresh lines all day, but I'm unsure whether I could take all those knife edge landings. Stay tuned for the video footage...
2. I went heli-skiing! Not sure whether I mentioned this already but it was a blast! I get why people want to pay exorbitant amounts of money to ski their own fresh lines all day, but I'm unsure whether I could take all those knife edge landings. Stay tuned for the video footage...
4. I skied Cloud Nine top to bottom in one go. This is a big one for me because it was on Cloud Nine that I broke my arm 2 years ago, on my first day on new skis. I think it's also poignant that I was scooting down Cloud Nine last week on my new skis that I just recently bought (which, BTW, do make off piste skiing somewhat easier), but the other reason this is on my bucket list is that it's quite a long off piste run, and my fitness was up to the task. Burning thighs by the time I got down to the quad chair though....
5. I climbed the summit, and skied down. Not once, but four times. I could have done it a few more times, but that walk is tough, man! I didn't however, go over to the igloo, which someone built up there this year. Oh well...
6. I skiied Matukituki Basin. It was thick pow, and it wasn't particularly pretty, and I needed a deal of encouragement from Heidi, my ski instructor, but I did it. Maybe next year I'll make it down Motatupu Chutes!
7. I now ski more by feel. Rather than just look at a run, I now understand the differences in snow quality, and where to find those nice pockets of pow or creamy corn to turn in. I know the difference between icy, firm and crusty snow, and how to ski each type of surface. And I'm able to pick my lines as a result. Only watch out for that Jay ratpack when you think you've found yourself a quiet little soft line, they come scooting through like a bunch of magpies and put me right off my game!!
Then next year, I'm going to go to Japan. Just for a week or so, but it's about time I got to ski in real powder. And what with my new skis - did I mention I bought new skis? - I'm all ready.
The locals I know in Wanaka really made my trip this year too. With most of the hostel crowd skiing and boarding at Cardies and Snow Park it was great to have friends to ski and lunch with, or enjoy a beer on the sunny verandah at the end of the day. Apres ski drinkies, pot luck dinners watching the rugby, managing to sell my old skis in record time, thanks guys!!
And one more thing, I'm just a little over Sticky Date Pudding for the time being.........